Cannabidiol, huh? In recent years, it has proved to be one of the most amazing things that could have happened both to us and to our pets. It’s almost as if the very compound has been carefully made in order to help both humans and animals deal with certain issues that they might be having. Well, it has definitely been carefully made, but by nature. Read more about the compound.
When you think about Cannabidiol, you feel amazed by the fact that such a healthy and helpful substance has been hiding in plain sight throughout all these years, without anyone giving it an actual purpose. Luckily, things have changed. Today, Cannabidiol definitely has a purpose and, thanks to all the researchers who have been working hard to examine this substance, it has been widely accepted as beneficial by the general public.
That’s not all, though. What good would it do us to accept this compound but without giving it our best shot to make it accessible to humankind? Fortunately, manufacturers have decided to make it as accessible as possible by making their own product infused with this substance. What’s more, they have even made it accessible by making those products for our animals as well.
It’s perfectly natural that those two kinds of products must differ at least a little bit. After all, animals are certainly different than humans, even though we do have some things in common. One of those things is the endocannabinoid system, or ECS, which is precisely what makes it possible for CBD products to work inside our organisms.
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Given the above, it’s also perfectly normal to see that these two branches of production have become completely separate. In plain English, people are making different products for their own species and different ones for the animal kingdom. So, let us now check out which CBD products for pets are available today, so that you learn exactly what it is that you can give to your little friends.
Oils & Tinctures
These two have been put in the same category because they are rather similar. Basically, the method of administration is the same, but the dosage might slightly differ. They also have the same effects. Oils and tinctures can help deal with pain, inflammation, seizures and all kinds of other medical conditions. They can also increase the animals’ appetite and boost their energy.
Now, CBD treats have the same effects as the products I have mentioned above, but the method of administration is definitely completely different. While you can put the oils and tinctures in your pet’s food in order to trick it into taking it, there is absolutely no need for any kinds of tricks when it comes to treats. Every single pet will love to have a delicious treat from time to time and CBD treats are definitely delicious, while also being great for their health.
These are more commonly used by owners who have picky animals that aren’t really keen on ingesting anything they give them. When buying these, you should check their exact purpose. This is because different types of treats might have different effects, so keep in mind what it is that you want to help your pet with when making this purchase.
It’s a commonly known fact that Cannabidiol is great for skin, as well as for the fur, should your pet have it. This is why, among the collection of different products, including those you can see on Holista Pet, you will definitely come across a CBD shampoo. This shampoo is commonly used for pets that have certain skin inflammations or other issues that can be adequately solved with Cannabidiol. All you have to do is convince the animal to have a bath.
Catnip Spray
Here’s an interesting product that you might not have come across by now, but that you definitely need to hear about. If you don’t want your cat to scratch your furniture or spend its time on other household items, you should get a CBD catnip spray and spray all the areas that are designated for your cat with it, including toys, scratching posts, cat beds and similar. This way, you will solve your own problem while also doing something nice for your pet.

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