What is Msmpeng.exe
You may have noticed many times that Msmpeng.exe is running in your windows and is generally found to be using high cpu usage. Very Few people know about what is the purpose of the process and why it is using so much of their cpu. We were also facing something similar and to fix3 the issue we have found out what is msmpeng.exe and why it is hogging your resources. So check below to find out.
What is Msmpeng.exe and Why it is using So much CPU
Msmpeng.exe is one of the most common error these days causing high CPU usage. Msmpeng.exe is one of the core process of Windows Defender, which is anti-spyware utility. Msmpeng helps windows defender in scanning all the downloaded files in your pc for spyware and if any viruses or malware are found then can quarantine or remove them. This process runs in real-time in the background to protect your pc from any kind of malware or trojan programs. Msmpeng.exe is also associated with Antimalware Service Executable.
This is a built-in service that tries to keep your data and your personal info safe and secured all the time. This is Windows’ own antimalware program that can ensure a minimum of protection while you download stuffs, install new apps or web searching different pages. Now you may be thinking that why is msmpeng.exe using so much cpu. Well there can be two reasons for the high cpu usage by msmpeng.exe.
The First reason is its real-time functions such as constantly scan files, connections and other related apps in real-time. Mainly the users of Windows 10 have reported that they open their device and connect them to the network or via a Bluetooth connection, anti-malware executable began to consume the largest part of the CPU, which is about 60-70%.
How to fix Msmpeng.exe Problem
So there are a couple of ways to fix the msmpeng.exe problem. If you are having any other anti-spyware application installed in your windows pc then you can disable windows defender and this would easily fix the issue. But if you are not using any other antivirus in your pc then disabling windows defender can make your pc vulnerable to Trojans, spyware, malware and other viruses.
So if you don’t want to use any other antivirus app then below is a simple solution that will help you to get rid of high cpu usage from msmpeng.exe without actually making your pc vulnerable to spyware or malware. You can change the schedule of Windows Defender’s schedule. High cpu usage is only caused when it is running full system scans so by changing the schedule you can schedule the full-time scans to a more appropriate time when you are less likely to be using your pc.
- Click the Cortana Search box on the Windows 10 taskbar, type schedule and click on the Task Scheduler search result.
- Now Navigate to Library/Microsoft/Windows/Windows Defender.
- Now locate and click on the Windows Defender Scheduled Scan option.
- Now in the General Tab uncheck the Run with highest privileges option.
- Now go to the Conditions tab and uncheck all the options there. This will clear your scheduled scans.
- After that, go to the conditions pane and you will see a few options there. Uncheck every option available to you and click OK.
After that just restart your pc and this will fix the issue. Conclusion There are no reports of claiming msmpeg as a virus but as we know any malwares can be named anything. So you should make sure where the files of the running processes are kept on your disk. If you have faced any problem then comment below.
I am Very Enthusiastic about Writing Tech, Smart Phones, Products Reviews, Offers, and deals. I have been writing on tricks5.com since 2015.
Bill Motion says
Windows defender is turned off but MsMpEng carries on chewing through my cpu resources what can be done!!