The influence of technology and the internet has extensively developed over the years. With the growing influence and take over by the internet, the preference for online working has increased with time as well. From blogging to network marketing, or even being an online consultant the variety of online jobs is endless. Due to the variation within the online jobs the requirement of the core device to work a certain way also varies.
Even though bigger screens are often preferred for entertainment, but for online tasking smaller versatile laptops are the answer. If you are someone who is planning an online job start-up, then this article will come to your aid as this will give you a detailed list of 8 factors you must consider before getting a laptop. When it comes to exploring the options to purchase a laptop for work, netbooknews might help you find your perfect laptop.
Table of Contents
1) Budget
The primary thing to do to before purchasing a laptop is deducing a price range. People have a varying budget and this budget will ultimately affect the efficiency and functionality of the laptop. With different sectors of the online profession, the need for the laptop to function in a way also varies, even though the primary features of the laptops will not differ significantly. But suppose a person producing videos to post online will rather choose Macbooks, which offer more luxurious editing programs such as Final Cut XPro, over most of the windows operating laptops. The starting price of Macbook is usually higher than the starting price of laptops from other well-known brands like HP or Asus. But it has to be kept in mind that with each addition to the laptop such as external hard drive or microphone, the prices will add up.
2) CPU
CPU is considered as the brain of the laptop and the speed of tasking of a laptop depends upon the quality of the CPU. Users working in the programming sector would rather desire for CPU which holds the ability of development and execution. A powerful CPU is required for activities such as video editing and other processor intensive tasks. The two primary central processor manufacturers are Intel and AMD, where CPUs manufactured by Intel are considered to be more advanced than CPU from AMD.
3) RAM
Random access memory of the laptop is the physical memory of the laptop. It speeds up the processing of the application. A minimum of 4GB RAM is recommended for normal processing of the laptop. But for a heavier task like video editing and intensive data collection, RAM within 8GB-32GB is required. RAM type also influences the speed of the laptop. Check the RAM type before making a purchase as a RAM that runs at a faster frequency is more efficient.
4) Storage Drive
Hard drives will keep all your data organized and stored in one place. Most of the laptops with a starting price of $200 USD accommodate 320GB of storage space. If buying a laptop for work, laptops with SSDs are preferred over laptops which uses HDD. SSDs increases the overall speed of laptop making it more efficient and smoother to work with. But more often laptops with SSDs are more expensive. Additional hard drives can be bought for additional external storage.
5) Operating system
The main two kinds of operating systems are Windows and Mac OS. Windows is available in most of the laptops whereas only Apple computers and laptops run by OS. MacBooks are great for professional-level work but the problem lies with the amount of storage they offer. And sometimes applications might be a little complicated, which might be a bit intimidating for early users. On the other hand, windows systems are usually more user-friendly. For someone looking for a start-up with online working windows 8 or Windows 10, would very efficient.
6) Screen Size and Display
Online working means having a laptop screen in front of the eye for long hours. Hence having a display which is soothing to the eye is essential. The more the pixels the sharper the display. Try searching for laptops with HD screens and anti-glare features.
The screen length matters more than we think. It is very annoying to read or work with smaller screens where the contents are crammed within a small display. Rather opt for laptops having a minimum of the 14-inch screen, which will provide plenty of room proper display and will not ache your eye after looking at it for a few minutes. But with an increase in the size of the screen, the portability of the laptop might decrease.
7) Keyboard
Few of the online professions include extensive use of the keyboard. So it is important to have a keyboard that is easy on the fingers and is optimum to your typing capacity. Ensure the keys are well spaced and the keys have plenty of vertical travel. The touchpads should be sensitive enough so that not much effort is required to move the cursor. It should also be responsive to multitouch gestures. Touchpads should not wear out after consistent usage and avoid touchpad that responds with jumpy cursors on the screen.
8) Battery life
Battery capacity is one of the most important factors that is needed to be considered. You don’t want your laptop to shut down in the middle of your work. So a laptop with long battery life is a must. Most laptops use 6 cell batteries which provide 4 hours of back-up. A battery with at least 7 hours endurance is required if the laptop is used for work. While exploring the options, you will find laptops such as Lenovo ThinkPad, HP Envy, and Dell XPS provide a decent battery life. Added external features and applications might decrease the efficiency of the battery.
With the increasing growth of online-based jobs, more companies are looking for innovations to make laptops more suitable for working. It is possible to opt for a laptop that will fulfill all your criteria and would not exceed your budget. Just look for one that will make your work easier.

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