We spent a few days echoing a current that says that social networks do not serve as a marketing channel and there are even some who do not bet on them as a sales channel. Here there would be a great debate between whether this is real or a criticism that is too harsh and not very rigorous to a channel that has not yet reached maturity.
Today, to fuel the controversy, I will mention some clues that aim to help those “crazy people” who seek to take advantage to buy Instagramfollowers investment.
Works in favor of prescribes
In every community there are very active users, who are ultimately those who will talk about the company and will defend it when necessary whenever they consider that they should do so. With the right monitoring tools, brands can identify these people and foster a positive relationship. Our attention and respect will be a basic requirement in the deal.
Evaluate the effect of social networks
Social media allows users to connect and communicate with their friends circles, and these in turn with their friends. It is a good opportunity to achieve greater visibility at a low cost. If we promote this information with interesting offers, contents or applications for their networks, users will identify themselves with the brand.
Change what does not work, and hurry …
Our campaigns in Instagram can and should be flexible, both in design and in scope to adapt in real time to changes that happen as critical or lack of response. Take advantage of one of the great advantages of social networks.
Generates good content
Content is king . But a good one requires investment. There is another source of content input that is not negligible, which is generated by the user. Apart from not requiring a large direct contribution, it is usually perceived as more reliable and authentic by the rest of the community. However, brands have to control those messages that, in some cases, can be negative.
Something key to achieve success in our campaigns is to offer quality content that is relevant but does not have to promote the consumption of the
brand (you have to be a good Samaritan).
Consumers feel more inclined to interact when the content offered is of quality, adds value, solves a problem or is simply interesting. A content only promotional will be seen as mere publicity and, therefore, will be ignored or worse, will be the center of criticism.
Sponsor online consumer communities
Sponsored communities can be a very effective tool to get to know customers better, generate enthusiasm and achieve prescribes. The challenge is to focus on developing the communities long enough to develop the communities.
Integrate social media with other campaigns
If our company has the ability to cross the social media strategy with other lines of communication or marketing, we are on the best path to multiply its effects. Increasingly, marketing departments include in their ads mentions of Facebook or Instagram and Twitter links to get users to follow brabds in their social media.

I am Very Enthusiastic about Writing Tech, Smart Phones, Products Reviews, Offers, and deals. I have been writing on tricks5.com since 2015.
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