Throughout human history, we have always sought out the opinions, the expertise and the knowledge of others all around us. We want to know what others think, and use the opinions and consensus of others to make intelligent decisions based on what we want, need and desire from life as a whole. If this sounds like an experience that you would like to enjoy, then it obviously makes sense to get involved with better buying decisions.
When you want to do just that, you have to be ready to start making more choices based on the kind of lifestyle that you wish to lead. For example, it’s commonplace for people to start using their smartphones to make more intelligent decisions based on the information out there. today, most of us will turn to our smartphones to help is make conscious picks about the kind of products and service we need.
According to a new infographic released by, though, we can begin to see how mobile devise have led to some comprehensive and transformative changes coming to life in a short period of time.
How has mobile commerce and smartphones change our buying mentalities?
For example, one of the biggest changes that we have noticed in the industry has come from the development and improvement in how we make decisions. In the past, we would simply listen to the person on TV or even someone who we knew socially before making a purchase.
Today? Over one third of people will be on their smartphone to use mobile data that they can find out a product or service to help encourage a smarter decision-making process. This helps them to locate additional information that they simply might not have had before.
It’s also changed how often we look to make purchases, too. For example, today people spend over double the amount of time per month on a smartphone browsing the web as they do on a desktop. On average, we spend 34 hours per month browsing the web – on a smartphone, it is suggested to be as high as 87 hours per month.
This shows us the power and easy convenience of the smartphone is extremely easy to see. Always in our hands and always connected to the web, we can quickly startto make more intelligent decisions based on what we need simply by picking up on the info we can find on our phone.
To use a PC, we have to go power it up, wait for it to load and then make our search. With a phone, you simply unlock the phone and within a few presses of the screen will be staring at the information that you want.
Make no mistake, then: the world of commerce changed entirely the day that we brought the world of eCommerce to life. It has changed everything, and shows no signs of slowing down or hitting any kind of peak. Mobile commerce is here to stay – and with good reason.
Signal Boosters have prepared an infographic titled “The Future of Mobile Commerce” which outlines just how big mobile ecommerce is getting;
I am Very Enthusiastic about Writing Tech, Smart Phones, Products Reviews, Offers, and deals. I have been writing on since 2015.
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